In this post I will explain to you on how to become famous/get a lot of likes on the social networking site Ask.FM. If you don't know what Ask.FM is or what you do there, read this basic post explaining what Ask.FM is.
2. Update your Bio, Location and Page headline on Ask.FM by going to Settings > Profile
If you're not sure on what Bio to write, you can get ideas from here: Silly Bios - Bio Generator
There is no shortcut to becoming famous on Ask.FM. There are no " software " or any websites, that will get you likes on Ask.FM faster, most are just scams or fakes. Here I'm going to tell you a few tips which helped me gain over 10k likes in the past days.
First Impressions
First impressions are very important. As soon as you register on Ask.FM, it's important you do the following:
1. Upload a nice display picture of your OWN that will attract others, the more attractive the more stalkers. ;)
2. Update your Bio, Location and Page headline on Ask.FM by going to Settings > Profile
If you're not sure on what Bio to write, you can get ideas from here: Silly Bios - Bio Generator
3. Avoid using pen or nick names as your display names, use your real name so people who know you can identify you and they'd be tempted to stalk/follow you.
Once you've set up your profile, it's time to find people to interact with.
1. Start by following your friends, colleagues or random people on Ask.FM and liking their answers.
Note: Don't like too many answers at once or you'll be temporarily blocked.
2. Go to the questions tab and answer a couple of questions, if you want more you can select " Get random question " for more. Also, Ask.FM asks a daily question to EVERYONE on Ask.FM they have a timer and once that time's finished, the question disappears and a new one appears.

Note: Don't like too many answers at once or you'll be temporarily blocked.
2. Go to the questions tab and answer a couple of questions, if you want more you can select " Get random question " for more. Also, Ask.FM asks a daily question to EVERYONE on Ask.FM they have a timer and once that time's finished, the question disappears and a new one appears.

The best way to get a lot of likes on Ask.FM is to respond to questions in a " clever " or a funny way.
Did you know you can ask YOURSELF a question anonymously, without your name appearing so it looks like as if someone else asked you the question?
When viewers find your Answers funny, smart or something that benefits them, they'd be tempted to Like your answers and whatever answer they like will appear on their follower's wall, getting you more audience.
Why did those answers on the above picture get so many likes? Because everyone gets something in return, a win win situation right? They like your answer, you give them what they liked for..or you can just ignore them. *evil laugh*
You don't have to wait for someone to ask you these rate questions, you can do them yourself. Go to your profile and ask yourself these questions anonymously and then answer them, pretending it was someone else who asked you.
Like for a rate, Like for a TBH, Like for 10 likes, Like for 5 questions Etc. These will surely get you over 100 likes in a day and followers as well. ;)
Attention seeking
This is the best method to gain followers and likers, I've tried it and it worked perfectly..though I did get punched in the face a few times, but meh the result is pretty good you should definitely try it.
1. Follow a lot of people on Ask.FM, mainly people who are active and will respond to questions.
2. Think off a question to ask. Make sure it's not rude or disturbing, if you can't think off any questions, check out 101 Random questions to Ask
E.g: Q. What horror fiction character scares you the most?
Q. Could you ever hunt your own meal?
3. Once you've thought off a question, go to your homepage and click " Ask friends a question " on the top right corner of the page.
4. Write your answer down, untick the " Ask Anonymously " box and select 50 people and send.
5. Wait for a few minutes and you'll notice people have started to respond to your questions, review them one by one and also like to show them you appreciate their answers. You will notice a increase in your followers when you check your profile..and maybe likes too. ;)
Link your Ask.FM to your Twitter or Facebook accounts if you have them. I suggest only linking to Twitter since Facebook friends consider it annoying seeing their wall spammed with Ask.FM questions.
Also update your description on your other social networking accounts such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr with a link to your Ask.FM profile so your friends know.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think about this guide on the comment section below. :)
Thank you so much! I got 50 followers in six hours!
ReplyDeleteYour welcome :) and If you want to get a lot of followers instead of likes, I suggest you follow " Attention seeking " method as mentioned in this post. :) It helped me get 300 followers in a week.