10. Strangers
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This probably isn't the first place you've heard this, but it's best not to add strangers. Especially people who are not in your age group. Say you're 13 and you get a request from a 40 year old stranger who you never heard of, wouldn't be wise to accept that person's request. It's okay to make new friends, but remember to do some research on the person's request your accepting. (E.g: Check his photos, profiles, see if he's an okay person) I normally don't accept strangers outside my country whom I know nothing about.
Not all people are cool as they seem on Facebook. Be careful when accepting people you don't know anything about, you don't know who's behind that computer. ;)
9. Ex GF/BF
If he/she is responsible for the breakup, it would be wise to deny the request and tick " I don't know this Person" after denying. They won't be able to send you request again and will most likely be blocked from adding Friends.;)
But seriously. After a breakup it's best to remove your GF/BF from your friend list or deny their request if you ever get it in the future. Your ex-gf/bf sending you a request on Facebook is like kidnappers asking you to keep in contact with them after releasing you.
ALTHOUGH if it's been a long time or you both forgave each other, it's okay to have a fresh start.
8. Annoying Neighbors
Neighbors. People who live NEXT DOOR to you. You should already know by now why not to add them to your friend list especially when you're cursed with very annoying and nosy neighbors.
Here's what happened to a friend of mine, he updated a status watching a movie..after 5 minute the doorbell rang and guess who? That's right, it was his neighbor.
Here's how the convo went between them.
Neighbor: Saw your checkin on facebook, awesome dude movie. Mind if I come in?
Friend: There is no movie, it was a fake status!
Neighbor: ....
7. Your teachers
6. Attention seekers
You may not recognize a attention seeker straight away. But a attention seeker is someone who updates useless status updates every 1 hour or has his/her twitter account linked to his/her Facebook. The disadvantages of having a spammy friend is you'll get irritated seeing your newsfeed filled with one person's feed.
A attention seeker is also who you never met in real life or talked too, but still asks you to like his/her profile picture.
5. Your boss/future boss
Did you know that Facebook is the reason of 78% employees getting fired around the world?
They also say that bosses check their applicant's Facebook profile before they employee them.
Whenever you're applying for a job, it's best to clean up all the mess on your Facebook and start acting mature. The "Maturer" your profile is, the more chances of you getting a job.
After you've been employed. NEVER. Make the mistake of adding your boss.
Let's say you tell your boss you're on sick leave and is going to be at home the whole day. After next hour, you start getting tagged in vacation photos and photos with you tagged are always visible to your friends. Having your boss added can create a lot of complications and misunderstandings.
You'll have children soon in the future or if you already have one, it's best not to add them on your Facebook. Young children like adding their parents on Facebook as they have nothing to hide but teenage children don't. Also remember that Facebook does not allow under 13's to create a account on Facebook. If you find out your underage child has a account on Facebook, it's best you deactivate it immediately. They have a good reason for this policy. Kids are good believers, they trust EVERYONE. It's best to not let them create a account on a social website until they're mature.
3. Cousins
Unless you have cousins that know how to keep info to themselves don't accept your cousins request. As they will end up telling their mums about what you're doing on Facebook which will lead to their mum telling YOUR mum. It can create a lot of misunderstandings between you and your family and you'll end up instantly becoming the " bad guy "
2. Elder Relatives
You might be thinking " Yay, new likes and comments every post " but after a while you'll realize how frustrating it can be getting comment/likes from the same person espically one who's older than you, making you look stupid infront of your other Facebook friends. Also your profile can create a bad image of you in their heads if you have pictures of you drinking alcohol, smoking etc which can lead you straight to trouble. Having elder relatives as friends on Facebook is like adding your parents, but the punishment is delayed. ;)
1. Parents
Unless you have awesome parents which is unlikely, as all parents want their children to be top and good. It's best to keep your Facebook account away from your parents especially when you're living with them. If you do add your parents, they will become your number 1 "secret admirers" on Facebook meaning they'll probably stalk your profile daily, see your statuses, check your friends etc.
So if you have a best friend who has a display picture with him having a alcohol bottle and strippers next to him, who interacts with you all the time on Facebook..your parents would be the first to notice and you'll probably end up being forced to "unfriend" that person.
So that's all folks, hope you enjoyed this post. Remember to leave feedback on what you think about this post on the comment section below and if you have suggestions on what Top10 list we should make next, Contact Us here.
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