Thursday, 30 January 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under : , , ,
In this post I will explain to you on how to become famous/get a lot of likes on the social networking site Ask.FM. If you don't know what Ask.FM is or what you do there, read this basic post explaining what Ask.FM is.

There is no shortcut to becoming famous on Ask.FM. There are no " software " or any websites, that will get you likes on Ask.FM faster, most are just scams or fakes. Here I'm going to tell you a few tips which helped me gain over 10k likes in the past days. 

First Impressions

First impressions are very important. As soon as you register on Ask.FM, it's important you do the following:

1. Upload a nice display picture of your OWN that will attract others, the more attractive the more stalkers. ;)

2. Update your Bio, Location and Page headline on Ask.FM by going to Settings > Profile
    If you're not sure on what Bio to write, you can get ideas from here: Silly Bios - Bio Generator

3. Avoid using pen or nick names as your display names, use your real name so people who know you can identify you and they'd be tempted to stalk/follow you.


Once you've set up your profile, it's time to find people to interact with. 

1. Start by following your friends, colleagues or random people on Ask.FM and liking their answers.       
Note: Don't like too many answers at once or you'll be temporarily blocked.

2.  Go to the questions tab and answer a couple of questions, if you want more you can select " Get random question " for more. Also, Ask.FM asks a daily question to EVERYONE on Ask.FM they have a timer and once that time's finished, the question disappears and a new one appears.


The best way to get a lot of likes on Ask.FM is to respond to questions in a " clever " or a funny way. 

Did you know you can ask YOURSELF a question anonymously, without your name appearing so it looks like as if someone else asked you the question?

When viewers find your Answers funny, smart or something that benefits them, they'd be tempted to Like your answers and whatever answer they like will appear on their follower's wall, getting you more audience.

Why did those answers on the above picture get so many likes? Because everyone gets something in return, a win win situation right? They like your answer, you give them what they liked for..or you can just ignore them. *evil laugh* 

You don't have to wait for someone to ask you these rate questions, you can do them yourself. Go to your profile and ask yourself these questions anonymously and then answer them, pretending it was someone else who asked you.

Like for a rate, Like for a TBH, Like for 10 likes, Like for 5 questions Etc. These will surely get you over 100 likes in a day and followers as well. ;)

Attention seeking

This is the best method to gain followers and likers, I've tried it and it worked perfectly..though I did get punched in the face a few times, but meh the result is pretty good you should definitely try it.

1. Follow a lot of people on Ask.FM, mainly people who are active and will respond to questions.

2. Think off a question to ask. Make sure it's not rude or disturbing, if you can't think off any questions, check out 101 Random questions to Ask
E.g: Q. What horror fiction character scares you the most?
       Q. Could you ever hunt your own meal?

3. Once you've thought off a question, go to your homepage and click " Ask friends a question " on the top right corner of the page.

4. Write your answer down, untick the " Ask Anonymously " box and select 50 people and send. 

5. Wait for a few minutes and you'll notice people have started to respond to your questions, review them one by one and also like to show them you appreciate their answers. You will notice a increase in your followers when you check your profile..and maybe likes too. ;)


Link your Ask.FM to your Twitter or Facebook accounts if you have them. I suggest only linking to Twitter since Facebook friends consider it annoying seeing their wall spammed with Ask.FM questions. 

Also update your description on your other social networking accounts such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr with a link to your Ask.FM profile so your friends know.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think about this guide on the comment section below. :)    

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under : , , ,
You probably have heard about Ask.FM already from your colleagues or friends and you're wondering what it is? Ask.FM is a social networking website where you can ask people questions, with a option to be anonymous.

If you haven't registered on Ask.FM yet, you definitely should go give them a try as their population is increasing by thousands each day and probably going to become one of the top visited websites in the future soon. Ask.FM is gaining popularity for a reason and if visitors found out this to be just " another social networking site " like Facebook or Myspace, they would instantly leave. I mean seriously, using 5 different IM social networking sites is like having 5 remotes for the same TV. 

How to use Ask.FM?

It's simple. You follow people and ask them whatever you want to. There's a option to become anonymous when asking a question just in case you don't want the other person to know your identity. ;)

Ask.FM is the best place for stalking people of interest or that hot girl in school you have a crush on.

But beware..although it may seem Ask.FM is a friendly place, there have a been lot of reports on suicides because of bullying on the website. So if you're popular and very sensitive, I suggest you stay away from this website to avoid problems. 

Here are a few examples of Suicide cases related to Ask.FM:

Thanks for reading, let me know what you think about this blog post on the comment section below! :)

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under : , , , ,
You'll find a lot of fake softwares claiming they can run Instagram or Kik Messenger on PC but most of them turn out to be fakes, there's only one free Android emulater which can allow you to use both softwares and many other Android Applications on your PC without having to touch your phone at all.

I'm going to introduce you to a popular Android Emulater called Bluestacks. It's 100 percent legit, contains no virus and thousands others use this software, including me. I can vouch this is the best Android emulater you'll find as I haven't had any problems with it so far.

How to install Bluestacks:

  1. Download Bluestacks from their Official website here
  2. After you've finished downloading, install it. Note: You will need to be connected to the internet during installation.
  3. Run Bluestacks and start downloading your apps. :)

Leave your questions and feedback here on the comment box and I'll try to answer them all. :)
Posted by Unknown | File under : , , ,
Have you ever wanted to use Android Apps on your computer? you looked everywhere but still can't find the right software, they're either fake or paid version. Well you've come to the right place, here I'll be demonstrating on how to use Android Apps on your PC for free. That's right, no charges or anything. Only takes a few clicks to download and install.

Bluestacks is a popular android emulater for PC which doesn't require a lot of hassle to install, has a simple interface and you can use install almost every android application available on playstore, including Viber and Whatsapp.

There are a lot of games and apps that aren't released for PC yet, but with this software you'll be able to use those apps on your PC without having to touch your phone at all.


How to install Bluestacks:

  1. Download Bluestacks from their Official website here
  2. After you've finished downloading, install it. Note: You will need to be connected to the internet during installation.
  3. Run Bluestacks and start downloading your apps. :)

Leave your questions and feedback here on the comment box and I'll try to answer them all. :)

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under : , ,
Lone Survivor Poster

IMDb Rating: 7.9/10

My rating: 8.5/10

Rumors about Mark Wahlberg retiring have started to rise, this may probably be one of his final movies. 
This movie depicts a true story based on the 2005 failed navy seals operation " Red wings " in which a total of 18 seals were killed. The title already gives you a spoiler of how the movie will end..but knowing it's a true story, seems heartbreaking and tragic at the same time. The directors did a lot of research and 89 percent of the movie is accurate compared to reality, the seals training, their appearances etc. Although they did exaggerate the movie a bit. For example, at the end a shootout initates between the taliban members and the villagers which in reality did not happen because the villagers outnumbered the talibans. There's still on confirmation on whether there were really 50 taliban members, as in the movie. Even if you're a badass, watching this movie will leave your heart pounding watching the SEAL members in pain half the movie. The movie also makes you realize that not everyone's the same, there is both good and bad. Reffering to the Afghani villagers who sheltered and nursed Marcus. This film is as good as Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down, definitely worth a watch.

Let me know your comments and thoughts about my review on the comment box below, thanks. :)

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under : , , , ,
In the game there is a total of 4 legendary ships which can be found at each corner of the map. They're level 75 and are hard to defeat. They won't spawn again after you sink them but you do get a large amount of Reales (20000 each) and once you defeat all ships, you'll unlock a special ability for your ship to speed up and increase ram strength, which is very useful against close by enemies and quick sinks.

Info you should know you before you start hunting Legendary Ships

  • You won't be able to defeat legendary ships easily without upgrades, try to upgrade your ship as much as you can before going in battle. Elite shots, Elite mortar, Elite Ram are recommended. *For more how to find their upgrade plans, See: Buried Treasures Guide - AC4.
  • Try to keep a distance from them, if you get to close they'll use their side cannons against you, which will result in loss of lots of hp. 
  • Use every attack powers you have (front, side, back cannons and swivels) when in combat with these ships to lower their HP faster.
  • Try to Brace (Dodge) everytime the legendary ship fires at you, so you lose less HP. 
  • Legendary ship rams cost you a lot of HP, they'll most likely sink you in one hit so when you see them coming towards you, drop your fire barrels infront of them to avoid getting hit.
  • You will need to take over the fort closest to each corner on map to reveal the legendary ships.

#1st Ship -El Impoluto

Reward: 20,000 Reales
Location: Upper left corner
How to defeat: Start the fight by firing mortars on to the ship..this ship will mostly like try to ram you so avoid getting rammed or you could lose a lot of hp, even it comes towards the Jackdaw, shoot fire barrels to divert it from ramming your ship.
Keep hitting it with mortar and broadside cannons until it sinks.

#2nd Ship - HMS Fearless and Royal Soverign

Reward: 10,000 Reales each ship.
Location: North-east corner.
How to defeat: When you sink one of the two ships, the remaining ship becomes more hostile and will sink you down quickly by ramming you and heavy shotting you, so it's because to lower both the ships hp and then finish them together. Use mortar shots when the two ships get together (which usually happens) to damage the two ships together and when the ship sails away from you, just keep hitting it and it'll slow down.

" If you want to gain fast money, you can sink one of the ships and die after collecting the Reales, you'll keep the money and you'll be able to do it again. This way you can earn a lot of money easily. "

#3rd Ship - HMS Prince

Reward: 20,000 Reales.
Location: South-west corner.
How to defeat: Even though you'll be fighting in fog, this is the most easiest ship to defeat since you'll just have to position the Jackdaw behind the ship and shoot it to reveal weakspots and then swivel, etc. 
Just keep hitting the ship's backside and you're good.

#4th Ship - La Dama Negra

Reward: 20,000 Reales.
Location: South-east corner.
How to defeat: Fighting this ship will be similar to fighting with the HMS Prince legendary ship, the only difference will be is that you won't know where it's mortar attacks will land so keep changing your ships direction or stop the ship when it fires mortars to avoid damage. The best way to defeat this ship and avoid mortars is to be close to the ship everytime, just don't let the ship turn it's broadside cannons to you or you could lose large amount of hp fast when it fires.

Let me know what you think about this review in the comment box below, thanks :)

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Friday, 17 January 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under : , ,

I finally finished the game today after a month, the ending made me totally speechless. I was skeptical about buying this game at first as AC3 was quite a dissappointment for most the AC3 fans, including me as it introduced new characters and well, the ending wasn't good either. Looking at AC4 trailers, I thought this game would be the same as AC3 kinda, but I was wrong to judge..after playing this game for a couple of hours, I was addicted and spent nearly 6 hours a day playing this game. I thought to myself, it was totally worth buying this game. When you will play this game you'll realize this contradicts with the main AC storyline a bit. Just incase you didn't know, Edward is Haytham's father (Templar Grandmaster in AC3 and father of Connor) and younger version of Haytham appears in the storyline as well. 

The main character of the game is Edward Kenway, a pirate who left his girlfriend to sail out to the oceans in search of vast treasures. Kenway has no relations with the Assassins but he helps them, in exchange for money. At one point of the game, Kenway realizes he has made a big mistake and money is not the answer to happiness, he tends to make things right.

Unlike AC3, you get access to new weapons such as the blowpipe which can paralyze a enemy for maximum of 20 seconds and a beserk dart which can turn a enemy into killing his allies besides him. You also get a rope dart after 10th sequence. You won't have advantages of bows, arrows or throwing darts which were nice weapons to use for stealth in AC4 but you'll be able to pick up temporary daggers from enemy and throw them. You may think AC3 is a more bigger game than AC4 but that's a big no. AC4 consists mainly of naval missions and freeroaming the seas. You'll come in contact with enemy fortresses which you can capture to reveal parts of the map, sharks, whales, ships and more. Unlike AC3, you won't be restricted to using stealth only, it's completely upto you how you complete your mission. Stealth or without stealth.

Naval is the most important part of the game. While cruising around the oceans, you'll be able to listen to Shanties, which will give you a realistic experience. Also, you'll be able to upgrade and customize your ship fully. Few upgrades would require you to unlock " Upgrade Plans " which can be obtained from looting buried treasure chests or progressing storyline and completing abstergo achievements. You will need to collect metal, wood and cloth to upgrade your ship which can be obtained from plundering enemy ships, you'll be able to check how many resources the enemy ship has with your spyglass. You'll also be able to loot these resources from Warehouses which can be found on islands. After progressing the storyline, you'll unlock the diving bell which will allow you to swim under the oceans for treasure, which sounds pretty awesome.

The combat system hasn't changed much except you can dual wield guns and carry more ammo, along with rope darts which you'll find useful in tackling crowds. You'll still be able to hunt on land and also on sea. (sharks, whales etc) and use their skin to craft uniform or upgrades for your character.

My rating: 9.3/10

 " Gives you a whole wide amount of things to do, although you might get bored quickly as there a lot of repetitiveness but other than that the game's great, has a lot of features and a nice storyline. "

Let me know what you think about this review in the comment box below, thanks :)

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Posted by Unknown | File under : , ,
Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift Poster

IMDb Rating: 5.9/10
My rating: 8/10

For me this was one of the best Fast and Furious movie, and also the movie which made the whole series popular. If you watched the other movies of this franchise, you would notice that this movie actually had a plot and was different from them apart from racing, cars and the women. Well good news for us is that Sean Boswell will be back on Fast and Furious which will be releasing soon. Sean is a highschool student who faces charges in America and to avoid them he has to move to Japan. He meets two racers, Twinkie and Han. Han is partner of the bad guy in the movie, whose popular for his uncle being Yakuza (Mafia member)
As the story progresses, Han becomes a more likable character. If you were dissappointed by the past Fast and Furious movies, you'll change your mind after watching this as it's bit different compared to the past movies.

Let me know what you think about review in the comment box below, thanks :)

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under : , ,
Captain Phillips Poster

IMDb Rating: 8.1/10
My rating: 6/10

Inspired by true story of Captain Richards and 2009, hijacking of Alabama Cargo ship by Pirates. The first american cargo ship to be hijacked after 200 years. Don't let the title mislead you, it's not a super-hero or a action flick movie, but a reality story on how people act under dangerous measures . The film is emotional and puts you into the protagonist's shoes, making you feel like you're him. This is a completely different movie, when you watch this movie you won't be able to tell how you're feeling and be filled with tears. There's also a rumour that Tom Hanks might claim a oscar for this movie, we'll see. ;)

Let me know what you think about review in the comment box below, thanks :)

Posted by Unknown | File under : , ,
The Hobbit Desolation of Smaug Poster

IMDb Rating: 8.1/10
My rating: 8.5/10

A pre-sequel to the Lord of the Ring Trilogy, continued after The Hobbit: Unexpected Journey. The movie was really great and was worth watching. The ending credit's song was also a surprise, since I'm a fan of Ed Sheeran. From what I heard if you have read the Books, you may be disappointed at the movie as both have a lot of difference such as Legolas, who wasn't included in the books. The ending of the movie leaves you waiting for the next movie to come out soon which will be released this year. (2014)

Let me know what you think about review in the comment box below, thanks :)

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under : , , , ,
There are a total of 19 buried treasure chests you can find in single player mode and a additional 3 chest maps can be obtained from " Kenway's Fleet " missions, which requires you to have a internet connection.
Before you're able to dig any of the treasures, you must have the treasure map with you or else the dig option won't show. The chests contain upgrade plans and also money. 

The following are the treasure locations a long with their rewards and where you can find the corresponding treasure maps.

Tip: When you're near a treasure chest, you will get a notification about it on the bottom screen.

Chest #1

Rewards: Plans for Elite Heavy Shot Storage and 3000 Reales.
Map Location: Cayman Sound (327, 334)
Treasure Location: Petite Caverne (901, 263) - South-west corner of Smuggler's den.

Chest #2

Rewards: Plans for Elite Harpoon and 3000 Reales.
Map Location: Mariguana Island (880, 544)
Treasure's Location: Small island on the southern part of Andreas Island (579, 720)

Chest #3

Rewards: Plans for Aquila Wheel's and 3000 Reales.
Map Location: Cumberland Bay (679, 381)
Treasure's Location: Left of the temple on Pinos Isle (335, 469)

Chest #4

Rewards: Plans for Elite Fire Barrel Strength and 3000 Reales.
Map Location: Santanillas (217, 250)
Treasure's Location: San Juan (479, 487)

Chest #5

Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Map Location: Salt Lagoon (749, 625)
Treasure's Location: Eastern part of New Bone (442, 118) close to a windmill.

Chest #6

Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Map Location: Andreas Island (579, 720)
Treasure's Location: Located besides the shipwreck at Abaco Island (606, 835)

Chest #7

Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Map Location: Ille a Vache (843, 140)
Treasure's Location: Buried underneath the shadows of a palm tree in Jiguey (565, 539)

Chest #8

Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Map Location: Corozal (42, 269) located on a smaller island just outside the coast.
Treasure's Location: Ambergris Key (55, 178), located in a tunnel at the sandy area to the south.

Chest #9

Rewards: Plans for Serpent Figurehead and 3000 Reales. 
Map Location: Abaco Island (606, 835)
Treasure's Location: North-west of Salt Lagoon (749, 625)

Chest #10

Rewards: Plans for Elite Mortar Storage and 3000 Reales.
Map Location: Tortuga (882, 370) 
Treasure's Location: East side Mantanzas (333, 650) next to a Mayan Stellar.

Chest #11

Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Map Location: Pinos Isle (335, 469)
Treasure's Location: North-east of Cayman Sound island (327, 334).

Chest #12

Rewards: Blackwood Wheel and 3000 Reales.
Map Location: Misteriosa (307, 195) 
Treasure's Location: Eastern Shore of Kingston (623, 172)

Chest #13

Rewards: 3000 Reales.
Map Location: Anotto Bay (621, 277) in a cavern reached by underwater maze tunnel.
Treasure's Location: Top of a fort at Principe (992, 422) 

Chest #14

Rewards: Plans for Elite Heavy Shot and 3000 Reales.
Map Location: Ambergris Key (55, 178) 
Treasure's Location: North-west of viewpoint at Misteriosa (307, 195)

Chest #15

Rewards: 3000 Reales.
Map Location: Petite Caverne.
Treasure's Location: Close to viewpoint in southern area at Tulum (70, 405)

Chest #16

Rewards: 1500 Reales.
Map Location: Beach on the eastern side of Cape Bonavista (179, 593)
Treasure's Location: Chest is located in the same island, look for a cave and go all the way to the dead end to find the treasure.

Chest #17

Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Map Location: North-west of Island Providencia (502, 44) in a swampy area.
Treasure's Location: Near East view point at Long Bay (525, 253)

Chest #18

Rewards: Plans for Grey Sails and 3000 Reales.
Map Location: North-west corner of Great Iguana (845, 468)
Treasure's Location: On a cliff, behind a mansion at Nassau (633, 784)

Chest #19

Rewards: Plans for Queen Anne's Figurehead and 3000 Reales.
Map Location: Close to a general store in the northern area of Havana. (240, 607) 
Treasure's Location: On the beach at Southern part of Havana.

Let me know what you think about this review in the comment box below, thanks :)

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Monday, 13 January 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under : , ,
Here's my top 10 list of the Android apps you must have on your phone.

Note: This is not a official list, this is my own personal top 10 list. To download these apps, simply search them on Google play store and install.

10. Kongregate Arcade

Kongregate Arcade is a free app available on google playstore where you can download over 400 flash games for free. The advantage of Kongregate Arcade is you can find entertaining and fun games with just few clicks! If you're bored of playing subway surfers & temple run all day and want new games, you should definitely check out this app.

9. Kindle for Android

You do not need to own a Amazon Kindle to use this app, only a Android phone. This app is amazing and has built-in features such as Dictionary, Google and Wikipedia. You can read Free E-books or choose to buy. Kindle also lets you sync your books, so the next time you open the e-book you'll start off where you left. 

8. News 

Depending on where you live, it wouldn't hurt to install the national news app (I recommend BBC) to stay updated on what's happening especially if you have no time to watch news on the TV.

7. Ask.FM 

You may not have heard about yet, but it's a social networking site made in 2010 which has become very popular now. The site was succeeded by Twitter, 65 percent of the users are mainly twitter users. The site is simple to use, you just ask questions it's your choice whether you want to reveal your name or be anonymous when asking questions. It's pretty fun, definitely worth checking out.

6. BBM Messenger for Android

After a long wait, BBM for both Android and iOS has been released and reached over 10 million downloads in it's FIRST DAY which is pretty amazing. This is a good alternative to Kik Messenger, although BBM users have dropped down past the few weeks. Most users, including me installed the app, registered and disappeared the next week. Though I don't blame BBM, talking to friends on multiple Instant Messengers seems like having 5 remotes for the same TV.

5. WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a popular text messaging alternative. It's simple to use, has a nice interface and it's free!
Although you need to be connected to the internet to use WhatsApp which shouldn't be any problem, since there's WiFi signals walking around everywhere. ;)

4. Twitter

Unless you're living in a cave, you must know that Twitter is the new internet sensation and grabs the news headlines more than 3 times per week. If you're a frequent user of Twitter but use Twitter on Desktop. Don't ask or think, install this app NOW. Desktop and Mobile version of Twitter has a difference in design, the rest of the features are the same. The advantage of having Android Twitter is you won't have to turn on your computer every time you think off something to tweet. Remember, it's alright to share your thoughts on Twitter, even when you're going to the bathroom. People won't judge you for tweeting that. Been there, done that.

3. Kik Messenger

This is one of my personal favorite Instant messenger for my phone. Kik messenger is fast and simple to use. Has a lot of features such as Mini-games, Stickers (Big emojis) Etc The conversations save on phone, so if you lose your phone and you login to Kik with the same account on a new phone the old conversation won't be there anymore.

2. Chrome

Yep that's right, Chrome for Google. Three words Android users have been waiting for. Chrome gained a lot of reputation from desktop users for being reliable to use. Mobile version is fully touch and is similar to the Desktop version.

1. Facebook

Pretty obvious that Facebook was going to be included in this list. Facebook already comes installed with most phones since it's the leading social media website on the internet. If you're active on Facebook or you admin a page, it's recommended you install the Facebook app so it's easier for you to check on your buddies or your facebook page.

So that's all for now, hope you enjoyed this post. Remember to leave feedback on what you think about this post on the comment section below and if you have suggestions on what Top10 list we should make next, Contact Us here.

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