Thursday, 20 February 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under : , ,

So you all have probably the heard the news already by now that Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook decided to buy WhatsApp for $19b. So basically now Mark owns Facebook, Instagram & WhatsApp. All combined toghether and he has more information than any intelligence agency in the country including CIA!

So why $19B? As Mark described the app, a " Valuable text messaging " application which almost everyone who have a smartphone around the world use to keep up with their friends abroad or in country.

To read Mark Zuckerberg's status, Click Here.

If you read the whole status, you would realize that on the 4th paragraph - Mark mistankly posted a unregistered domain which someone has already bought now. " "

Because of this mistake, the domain's worth about $50k. Crazy right? Whoever registered the domain first just hit the jackpot. Say if Mark was paid to do typos like these, he could make enormous amount of money without doing anything at all. 

Anyways, we expect WhatsApp to keep up with their standards. No ads, no gimicks or games Etc. Which might happen since Facebook is the new owner. What do you guys think?

Leave your comments, suggestions or what you think about the post on the comment section below. Thanks :)


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