Tuesday 11 February 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under : ,

IMDb rating: 7.8/10
My rating: 7.7/10

‘The Machinist’ is to date one of my favourite thrillers. If a thriller is to keep you in suspense, this film is sure set to do that till the end. 

The film is about a factory worker who is an insomniac. His boring routine gets a bit interesting when he starts hallucinating, or he thinks that he is. For him soon reality becomes erratic because the events occurring stand at a point where dreams and reality collide. 

Bale delivers excellent performance of an insomniac who looks like is going to crumble any minute. The direction is amazing. In my opinion this film is what it is because of the director and the lead actor. Do I even need to say anything more after knowing the fact that Bale dropped almost about 50 pounds for the film. It was sheer horror just watching him on screen. Now isn't that pure love for acting or professionalism as others may put it. 

The story is simple yet so chaotic that when finally the events unfold towards the climax you are left in awe. I loved the fact that I was throughout the film trying to figure out what was happening and yet I found myself getting nowhere. And this I believe is what a thriller should deliver for the audience. 

When I say that the Director put his heart into the film he really did. I watched the film almost four times and I came across things that a normal eye wouldn't catch. I know this might sound crazy, but Anderson in my eyes is yet to be the only director I feel who has ever come close to directing a movie, the way Hitchcock did. You disagree? Well watch closely, and you will feel a hint of Hitchcock in the film. 

It is a must watch if you still haven’t. For a film that was rejected by almost all the Hollywood producers I must say it is an excellent piece of art, art that gave me chills and creeps.

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