Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under : ,

IMDb rating: 7.7/10
My rating: 8.0/10

This movie is Ruben Fleischer's biggest accomplishment! His other movies may lack a certain elements here and there, but this one here, is a perfect example of a zombie-pocalypse comedy movie. The main attraction of course is the direction.

We also have one other main attraction. Yes people, Emma Stone as 'Wichita' with her sexy and violent character, delivers one of her best roles yet. Jesse Eisenberg as 'Columbus', as usual, with his awkward and insecure character, (but not too awkward that it feels like we are watching Michael Cera) gave life to his character. Woody Harrelson as 'Tallahassee', a red-neck and a brute, spares no emotion. Abigail Breslin as 'Little Rock' also gives a charming performance (and why wouldn't she? Seeing as she was under such big stars tutelage) and Bill Murray 

Brilliant movie, brilliant direction, brilliant plot, brilliant acting, basically, brilliant everything  the humour really is catchy and a lot of stuff sticks. Rest assured, this will stay in your mind for some time after you watch it.

So if you are looking for a good comedy with good acting and dialogues and dystopia, do watch it. 


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